Sunday, August 29, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. The Animation

The Scott Pilgrim short cartoon has finally aired.
Now, you can check it out online for free thanks to [adult swim]


Before watching this video, you might either check the movie or have at least read only the first 2 Graphic Novels (Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life & Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The Animation was done by the animation studio Titmouse Inc.
Bryan Lee O'Malley, the comic book author said "It's gonna be like a series of short animations".
So this won't lead to a cartoon series, well 'not like we need another adaptation of the story with the movie and cartoon out, but will instead be little shorts focused around some events.

This first short is based on the flashback of the beginning of Scott Pilgrim vs the World.
And it was dubbed by actors from the live movie~

I really like myself how this modern-ysh 2D animation matches the art style and brings it to life with its simple design :'3

Now, enjoy~