Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Toon NEWS! Scott Pilgrim vs the Animation!!

More news for Scott Pilgrim!
There's not only gonna be a Scott Pilgrim movie, now there's gonna be an animated feature as well!

Scott Pilgrim vs the Animation will be a 2-part short animated to air on August 12th on [adult swim] (and probably be released later on the movie DVD/Bluray).

Now, if you're asking me what the heck is Scott Pilgrim, I think I already covered that in that post.

This animated project is overseen by both Bryan Lee O’Malley and Edgar Wright.
The idea seems to have come from those 2 and at Universal, and will be a good way to give life to a scene that was scrapped from the movie.
The toon will be animated by an ex-Cartoon Network studio that works for [adult swim] now.
The voice over will be done by the movie actors.

Anyway, here's some screens to see how faithful the artstyle will be:

And a clip here:

And finally [adult swim] trailer: