Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blog - planning stuff

I was thinking about the various stuff I was planning to put up on this blog.
And, well, while am I doing it, why not simply post it here for you guys and gals to see it?
So here's the ideas, the things I want to have here.

I've lots of ideas, of reviews to write, pics to draw and stuff to only restraint is time - which I always seem to lack of, therefore always delaying things...

Anyway, in nor order, here goes:

There's lot of comics I'd want to review.
Be it full fledged reviews or quickies.
- Prince of Persia, while making my way through the games, I'd like to review this great book from Jordan Mechner, PoP's very own creator!
- fighting-games-comicbook-adaptations, there's plenty o' fun stuff here. Bad ones, good ones, maybe later on my "Fightin' Marathon", when I'll be tired of just games.
- (Teen) Titans/Outsiders/..., I'd like to check on this blog some of these long on-going series too.
- Blue Beetle, 'nuff said. Plus I already done Booster Gold, so...
- more Quickies, Green Arrow? GLantern?

Well, I already did plenty o' those.
But since they were my main original focus, I also want to do a lot more as well.
- more Resident Evil reviews, since I made it from the first one to Resident Evil 4, why stop so close to the end, mmh?
- Street Fighter Ex, 3 and 4, 'nuff said!
- other fighting games, since I called those "Fightin' Marathon". Some SNK would be nice for exemple.
- the rest of the Prince of Persia series. I stopped before the Ubisoft take over.
- more platformers. Reader's choice here!
- some obscure games.
- at least one RPG! That's what people asked me on deviantArt, so...

I reviewed so few movies here...
Anyway, I'd like to explore and focus on more B-movies, horror movies or just series. (hey, I like reviewing whole franchises!)
- Continue my Star Wars on-going reviews. Need to make Episode 3. Then move on the old trilogy before doing any expanded universe-stuff.
- Horror/Monster/Slasher Movies Quickies-Reviews.
- Any of the Resident Evil movies. Come on! I did the games already!

I'd like to start working on what I decided to call Heroes! Season 2.
Which is the group name of all the Lanterns!, Archers!, etc..
What to expect from this new so-called season?
- They will use the group name Heroes!
- A new "series" will join our Heroes! - a Marvel one this time
- I will use a OneYearLater-gimmick to draw older characters for Archers! (Arsenal, Connor Hawke..)
- And...nah! That's all I'll say....

And more Features too.

Like this or that.

Alright! I think that's all I wanted to cover in this blog-post!
'until then~

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