Like ready ready??
Well, here it is, at last, the final real Green Lantern movie trailer!!
Beware his power, SINESTRO'S MIGHT!!
Will it look a bit cheesy? Yeah.
Does the CGi looks, well, CGi-ysh? Of course!
Will this be the best comic-to-movie adaptation finally? I don't think so...
But it may just end up a quite fun movie.
The trailer does give me a Iron Man-vibe with a bit of Fantastic Four movie aspect...
Will it be as good as Iron Man? Or bad like the FF movie?
Only time will tell---
(probably a mix of both, IM's strengths with FF defaults??)
Alright alright, here's the trailer:
You'll notice the special effects are finished since last we saw them. (there's textures, lightning, shades and ambiant reflexions now)
But not as good as they could be... :/
What d'you think?
Looking forward to it?
I'm not super 100% happy with the CGi suit, and this may end up being the direction future other superheroes films may take.
I don't know for you, but I prefered the Flash's live costume from the TV series.
Anyway, good, bad, the hype for this movie truly beings now!