Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Movie NEWS! TRON 2.0

Time to check out some of the stuff about the upcoming Tron: Legacy, since I tried to not watch a lot since I'm afraid modern-Hollywood will yet ruin another classic again.

It may turn out good.
But expecting worse will ease the pain in "case of.." :P

Afterall, the original Tron is on my list of favorite movies of all time for a reason!

Here's a bunch of character posters first:

..What?! *whistle*

Anyway, it gives the tone of this movie. Sleek, modern, hi-tech. Tron 2.0 lives!
Look a bit too blue maybe..? Oh, well, the original looked a bit too black/grey-ysh anyway.

I'll give it the benefice of the doubt...for now...
At least it doesn't look like a porn parody this time.

Here's a new Tv spot:

I know some are already called this the best movie of all time without having seen it...
For me? wait and see -__-