Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blog entry03 stuff...

I was outside today, for work purposes.. And I decided to check new stuff at the local game store, called Virtual Games.

Some nice stuff has been released lately : P

 I still plan on buying/trying Red Dead Redemption, even if I find they kinda lost Red Dead Revolver original spirit.
But it is a bit too much expensive for my humble current budget.
After all games do cost over 80 dollars in Switzerland.
New next gen games may even cost a bit more than that sometimes here! (up to 110 CHF!! while non Nintendo Wii games are often around a more acceptable 59 CHF)

Also that new Mario Galaxy 2 is out now?
I don't really plan on buying this one... However good it may be.
Not just that Mario's overrated nowadays (which he is in my eyes...) but I still have other Mario games to catch up, like Sunshine and the first Galaxy! I did playthrough most classic Mario games and finished them 100% a lot of times and I hope to catch up with Mario games someday. But they cost quite a lot, even Sunshine to this day, I can easily find second hand copies of it, but it's so damn' expensive!
Why can't they drop the prices of Mario games a little? All Mario games released on the DS, for example, cost as much as just-released games even after all this time!....

Anyway I'm not super motivated nor interested in this new Mario game. Looks like "you liked Mario Galaxy kids? Yeah? Here's Moar Mario Galaxy 2!!" And since I haven't tried the original one yet...
It's a very similar concept as the original japanese Super Mario Bros. 2, no? Which ended up as Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels. More levels on the same engine of the famous first game. Not a real sequel, not a new original concept, just more challenges at a brand new game's price...

Watching for the current prices of new copies and second one copies of Splinter Cell Conviction, I found out that Alpha Protocol was finally released! Great news!
The game looks and sounds pretty kickass!
I've already seen some not-quite honest reviews giving this game average reviews and scores...
Well, lemme be honest with you guys. Had it been made by Bioware instead of Obsidian and released by EA instead of Sega, I'm sure this one would have a lot more positive reaction and fair reviews, even if the game was exactly similar as how this one came out!!
Such fanboys... honestly...
Mass Effect 1 or Dragon Age had the same kind of "problems", little bugs&glitch and textures popping late.
But, sadly... People are too much Bioware/Mass Effect fanboys or too much Sega/Obsidian haters now! The game isn't that bad, in fact it's pretty original how the decisions affect the plot a lot more than in ME.

Anyway, I'll give it a try sometime later...

See ya around~