Wednesday, June 9, 2010

GAME NEWS! Adventurous sequels?

After maaaaaany many rumours on the web, Telltale games, best known for their Monkey Island revival and the current Sam & Max adventure gaming series, have just announced an exclusive deal with Universal.
I've quickly talked about it previously.
Their next episodic series will be based on Jurassic Park and Back to the Future!

Yep. This mean two 5-episodes seasons for those classic 80s/90s movies. (yeah, yeah, I know JP is based on a novel! I've read it and still have both books!!...)
BTTF is supposed to start its season first in not that long. (around september? maybe...)

The official teaser website is up on Telltale site as of now.
Stay tuned for more!

I like adventure games... But how good will a JP or BTTF game translate?
There's hasn't been any good BTTF game previously, but there was some really neat JP action games in the past...
What's up with those classic revivals? Is it all because of the recent Ghostbusters game? Is Telltale that afraid to make an original adventure game? Will Monkey Island 6 be made someday? Will JP be based on the books, the movie or an original retelling? Will BTTF be a retelling of the movie events or some expanded universe/spinoff series? So many questions...

Anyway, I'll leave you up with this little fun opening from a great cartoon of the past:

*back in tiiiiiiiiiime~*