Wednesday, June 23, 2010

8 Bit music - Pizza Cats, Mazingaaah Zetto and Do-ronbooooo!

Hello gang!
Remember that post a while ago?
Here's 3 more old "8 bit interpretations" I've uploaded on my youtube account some months ago.
Once again, all done with the program FL Studio 8 with the plugin magical8bit!

Samurai Pizza Cats 8 bit 

This one is dated from 26 juillet 2009.
First of all, I'd say this one's of my few favorite interpretations. I usually don't like looking back at what I've done some time after. Be it drawings, music, etc...
But this one sounds still pretty decent to me now.
A bit harder to get right, I played a long time in FL studio to get the sound and rythm that way.

Mazinger Z theme song 8 bit 

From 29 septembre 2009.
More Mazingaaah! I love all the catchy original japanese songs the whole Mazinger series used!
I had to do this one!

Tensai Doronbo 8 bit

23 mars 2010.
I gotta admit, I don't really like looking back at this one... Could have been a lot better.. Some background "voices" are pretty bad. I should have used other ways to replicate those sounds... (maybe use less tracks, less sounds...)

That's all I've done so far!
So stay tuned, if I do more, you guys and gals on this blog will be the first to know of it! (with the other 2 guys watching my youtube account)