Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Vans: still awesome

I've been looking on craigslist for potential race mobiles. I've broken ideas into three camps:

-Normal van w/ queen mattress in back, bikes on rack. Good for 1-2 people. $2000-$4000

-Class C mini-RV, bikes on rack. Good for 2-4 people. $3000-$4000

-Tent trailer, put bikes in towing mobile. Good for 2-3 people. $2000.

The upside is that unless we kill said vehicle, we can recover most of the purchase price at the end of the year. The gallons and gallons of oil and coolant necessary to keep these vehicles running would probably not be recovered.

All of the vans pictured are under four grand, and all of them are sweet. The van has 124,000 miles, and the RV's all have around 80,000.

Yes, this is a dumb idea. But it's a sweet dumb idea, and you're all jealous.
