Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gamin' NEWS! Nintendo and some more Sonic

Link is finally back!
In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

Well, I'm not a huge Zelda fan, but, hey!, I played most Zelda games.
Maybe I'll check this one out.
I'm still some Zeldas late. Last one I played was Wind Waker and I still plan on trying Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess and Spirit Tracks...at some point!
I wanted to try all of those above..but Zelda games are so muchh expensive and never have price drops! (at least here!)

Good things about this new one above, even if it's realistic (like Twilight Princess), it will be cell shaded (like Wind Waker).
Bad things. The gameplay looks a big...too much motion control to me... :/

There's also one more new 2D platformer.
The new Kirby, Kirby's Epic Yarn, will be out on Wii on fall 2010.

Looking nice, what d'you think?

And finally a 3D sidescroller, Donkey Kong Country Returns.

 From Retro Studios. This one will also be out later this year.
A new Donkey Kong sidescroller! Pretty cool news, right?
Here's the teaser:

On a non-Nintendo side, here's the very first pics of the random new game Sonic Free Riders for Xbox 360!

Not really interested in playing this one, honestly!
(but somehow...I guess I'll add it to my "collection" at some point)

So many new sidescroller (be it 2D, 3D and 2,5D) around actually!
Finally! I'm glad of this turn of events.
And not just digital ones, but full retail games!
It sure took there time... Man, couldn't they just follow Wario Land Wii and A boy and his blob? (talking about 'Splosion Man, Sonic 4, Rocket Knight here...)

A new Kid Icarus game (absolutely not a fan of that one, Smash Bros fans might light it), Goldeneye 64 re-released, that Epic Mickey game... And you, are you happy with what's been announced/showed lately?
What are you expecting the most?