Like what you've seen of Sonic Colors so far? No?
Well sorry to impose you more screens of it, but since this is a blog of a Sega fan, here's moaaar pics of it!~
Hey! It's ThatGuyWithTheStache!
This Sonic Colors sure is turning out better than expected.
And it actually looks like genuine fun. Screw the haters! If this turns out to be a werehog-free Sonic Unleashed styled game, it's actually pretty better than digital pre-rendered Sonic 4 and gimmick-ysh Sonic Free Riders!
Here's more new pics of it:
The Wii version of Sonic Colors seems to be a Sonic Unleashed - Day Stages only - kind of game.
It will feature a lot of stages separated as zones (old school!).
The design seems to be quite bright and colored. Exactly what I wanted in this kind of game!
Not that far from Sonic CD - design wise.
And what about the DS version?
That one, made by Dimps will be a "Sonic Rush 3" in disguise. Wanna see?