Friday, June 11, 2010

NEWS! Hedgehogs, superheroes and kings.

While I try to finish up writing my new review,
It's time for some more news!

Sonic colours, that newly announced random new Sonic game for Wii and DS, is still coming out pretty soon (around September I guess)!

Some new pics have been floating around teh inter-webs:

It looks... pretty decent so far.
The game actually looks like a Sonic Unleashed 2 without the Werehog this time.
It will feature high speed action in 3D alternating with 2D platforming scenes, much like SU.
The game makes a little return to more bizarre and surreal landscapes like the 16 bit Sonic games (instead of the modern/realistic/urban look of the 3D Sonics).
The DS version will look more like a Sonic Rush 3, while the Wii version is coming pretty close to Unleashed on the Xbox 360 and PS3! Impressive! I remember complaining a bit about SU Wii grainy/foggy visuals. Love how close these pics look to the next gen SU version, sans the HD resolution maybe, but looking quite pretty here.

Let's stay on the subject of gaming news, and talk about Marvel VS Capcom 3 now!
A kickass teaser poster has been spotted lately:

First Deadpool Capcom artwork ever!

We knew Deadpool was gonna be in it, but looking at his official artwork on this! It's quite impressive to really realize how much popular he is nowadays! He truly has become the Wolverine of the 2010s!
Featured in a japanese fighting game!
Anyway, I love the look of this poster. Shinkiro has always been my favorite SNK artist and I'm loving most of his recent Capcom art done so far^^

The official trailer is also out now, watch it here:

Capcom and Marvel's main man against each other.
Science vs Magic.
Brainy hulkster vs hulking smartass.
The two Ds at it, both carrying swords and gunys.
Love how they paired the characters!

Leaving games now. But still related to superheroes.
Here's a behind the scenes featurette of Thor:

Watch some scenes being filmed featuring Thor! And a first look at Odin!

There's an horrible news about Marvel's first family, the Fantastic Four.
20th Century Fox is trying to quickly make a new lackbuster title, in pure Century Fox-ness style, just to cash in their IP and keep it from returning back to Marvel.
And instead of making a brand new sequel to their awful franchise, they're gonna reboot it. Yep. Pure non-sense.
It will be called Fantastic Four Reborn and is supposed to came out under less than a year.
It's very cheap of Fox to do that.
People, general mass audience, will mistake it for Marvel's own in "movie universe" reboot like Incredible Hulk and Ironman. Plus Marvel might re-reboot it later on at some point when they'll get their IP back from Fox.
It would be more profitable to Fox to just make it a sequel to their previous bad movies. People might get interested in the past movies, if they were related, and but more home releases of those (FF and FF2 dvds&blurays), so simple profit!

Instead they're making a cheap reboot.
And I'm afraid of two things.
One - it will retell the origin story, exactly what we don't need to relive once more, we get their creation we just wanna see the heroes!! Plus Marvel might retell the origins at some point like I said previously.
Two - if it will "skip" the origins, why not connect this movie to the previous two movies?!?!? Darn it!

I hate 20th Century Fox so much nowadays.. it may actually be my least favorite and most hated studio now... (I'll just write you guys a rant at some point... I have some serious points and good reasons for it!)

Oh, but the worst thing isn't just that, but I quote, this point of view they have:
I think there's room to readjust the tone in "Fantastic Four" as it was for "Batman". You know, "Batman" took on a very cartoony feel towards the end and even in the beginning. It was a lighter movie, even though it was Tim Burton. It was still a lighter film and the newer Batman's have just been amazing, so I'm all for good filmmaking. If they can go make a good dark edgy "Fantastic Four" right on.
1) Tim Burton's Batman movies weren't light. They were very dark, gothic and Tim Burton-esque.
Batman Begins and the Dark Knight weren't intended to be taken as dark, even they ended up a bit. But more realistic and closer to a real-life superhero would be like.
2) BB and TDK didn't make a ton of money because they were "dark edgy", but because they were good movies at heart.
3) Making the FF (the team composed of an invisible woman, a stretchy scientist, a clobberin' time rock and a guy on fire) darker won't make the reboot "good filmmaking". A good story and characters will.

And Fox's only in it for the money, or they would simply let Marvel regain control of their franchises. Like X-men and Daredevil, for which they're also currently planning sequels (X-men 4, Wolverine Origins 2), prequels (X-Men first class) and reboots (Daredevil).
If they were smart and would make money while making a good movie, they could just strike a deal with Marvel and just distribute their own reboot (like Universal did with Marvel and Incredible Hulk).

Finally, back to games.
I'm very much expecting King of Fighters 13, probably one top of my own wish list.
People may have criticised KOF12, but XIII is coming along nicely so far.
There's a ton informations on the updated official website. Such as all the team's own music themes, which all sound great so far! And all the character's profiles.

You can see the in game sprites, they look quite amazing!

And here's a pic for all the last revealed characters.
It's the N.E.S.T.S team, the main character of the 2000s KoF games. K', Maxima and Kula!

Click to see those full view!

I cannot wait to play with those guys! (Kula :'3)

Well, that's all for now! Expect to see Street Fighter 2 in this blog, first thing tomorrow!